This assessment aims at contributing to the identification of currently operating mega desalination plants (including their specifications) around the shorelines of the Mediterranean and to propose mitigation measures to challenge their impacts.

In particular the following steps are foreseen:

1 - A survey of mega desalination plants in pipeline or planned until 2025 in addition to an assessment of brine discharge in terms of volume, pollution load, physical and chemical characteristics, etc. (underway)

2 - An assessment of desalination atmospheric emissions including SO2, CO2, particulates, NOx, etc. (already conducted) and a conceptual assessment of the potential fate, transport, bio-accumulation and bio-magnification of desalination related contaminants (to be undertaken shortly).

3 - A two days regional Expert Group Meeting in association with the Desalination Core Group set-up in the framework of SWIM-SM to substantiate and verify the outcomes of the assessment and content of the report (planned until the end of 2013).


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