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L'objectif de ce Pilier est d'appuyer les Pays Partenaires de SWIM à (a) renforcer le cadre politique, institutionnel et juridique pour la gestion des ressources en eau non conventionnelles dans un contexte de GIRE, et b) renforcer les capacités institutionnelles et la participation du public dans la planification et la gestion de ces ressources. Les principales ressources en eau non conventionnelles considérées sont: la réutilisation des eaux usées traitées y compris dans la recharge des nappes souterrains et, en dernier recours le dessalement à l'aide d'énergies renouvelables minimisant les impacts environnementaux lorsque cela est techniquement et économiquement faisable.

Les composants de ce Pilier sont de cinq ordres: (a) formulation de stratégies pour l'utilisation de ressources en eau non conventionnelles, (b) amélioration du cadre juridique afin d'ancrer l'utilisation des ressources en eau non conventionnelles dans les lois et les règlements nationaux de l’eau et de l’environnement, (c) développement du cadre institutionnel pour la gestion des ressources en eau non conventionnelles avec la participation des parties prenantes, (d) amélioration des garanties et des garde-fous environnementaux et sociaux pour l'utilisation des ressources en eau non conventionnelles et l’atténuation de leurs effets sociaux et environnementaux négatifs et (e) sensibilisation et renforcement des capacités et pour accroître la connaissance des technologies et promouvoir l'acceptation sociale.

WP1: Gouvernance de l'eau et intégration des questions liées à l’eau dans d’autres secteurs

Fournir un soutien ad hoc et des conseils pour l'examen des politiques et des stratégies nationales de l'eau et des plans de GIRE

Fourniture d'ssistance technique ciblée à Egypte, Tunisie et Maroc pour l'identification et la promotion d'éléments prioritaires manquants dans leurs stratégies des eaux usées à travers la préparation d'une analyse des lacunes et recommandations (Egypte, Maroc et Tunisie) et l'organisation d'une consultation nationale d'une journée impliquant toutes les parties prenantes dans chaque pays.

Assurer l'intégration de stratégies durables relatives à la gestion de l’eau  dans les politiques d’autres secteurs

Organisation d'un atelier pour: a) examiner le projet de note de synthèse préparé par SWIM-SM sur la gestion durable des ressources en eau non conventionnelles, y compris le dessalement, utilisant l'énergie renouvelable et b) réunion d’un groupe expert chargé de conseiller sur l'état des connaissances et de l'application commerciale dans la Région du dessalement utilisant des sources d'énergie renouvelable (par exemple, l'énergie solaire concentrée - CSP) ainsi que les mesures pour éviter les impacts environnementaux

WP2: Activités de renforcement des capacités

Élaborer des programmes nationaux et régionaux de renforcement des capacités / séances de formation

Formation sur le fonctionnement et la gestion des stations d'épuration et voyage d'étude sur les STEPS bien exploitées et bien gérées en Europe

Atelier de formation pour Renforcer la capacité du secteur public à mobiliser des investissements de dépollution et la participation du secteur privéAtelier de formation pour Renforcer la capacité du secteur public à mobiliser des investissements de dépollution et la participation du secteur privé

Cours de formation - Estimation des coûts des Usines de dessalement par osmose inverse (OIEM)

Formation régionale en Tunisie sur les technologies innovantes et adaptables pour la réutilisation des eaux usées traitées, y compris la recharge des aquifères et le dessalement durable - en coordination ou organisation conjointe avec les formations nationales de H2020 CB / MEP

Formation régionale en Israël  sur les technologies innovantes et adaptables pour la réutilisation des eaux usées traitées, y compris la recharge des aquifères et le dessalement durable - en coordination ou organisation conjointe avec les formations nationales de H2020 CB / MEP

WP3 : Application des plans de gestion de l'eau

Développer des mécanismes et procédures pour faciliter le dialogue régional, des consultations et l'échange d'expériences entre les secteurs qui consomment l’eau de manière intensive, tels que l'agriculture, le tourisme et le développant urbain

Evaluation des meilleures technologies disponibles et du potentiel technique et économique lié à la réutilisation des eaux usées, à la recharge des aquifères, au dessalement, etc au niveau régional et leur application au niveau national et recommandations sur la façon d'intégrer les ressources en eau non conventionnelles dans les plans de gestion de l'eau. Organisation d'une réunion du Groupe Expert sur le dessalement au but d'examiner l'évaluation et fournir des conseils sur les développements ultérieurs

Organiser et / ou participer à des événements régionaux ou sous régionaux visant à mobiliser les pays partenaires et les bailleurs de fonds en faveur des systèmes de gestion durable de l'eau, et rassemblant les principaux acteurs de l'eau et de l'environnement dans la région

Participation et contribution à la Conférence régionale sur la promotion de la gestion des ressources en eau non conventionnelles en Méditerranée (Athènes, 14-15 Septembre 2011) et organisation de l'atelier sur l'utilisation durable des ressources en eaux non conventionnelles (Athènes, 16 Septembre 2011)

WP4: Identification des bonnes pratiques et des exemples réussis dans la région et ailleurs

Identifier et diffuser les expériences réussies et soutenir les échanges d'expériences entre les bénéficiaires de SWIM- SM et celles d’autres projets / programmes mis en œuvre au niveau régional ou national et;

Identifier et informer sur les bonnes pratiques et échanger des connaissances sur programmes ou projets sur la gestion de l'eau dans la région et ailleurs, financés par d'autres donateurs et;

Contribuer à faciliter le transfert de savoir-faire et l'échange d'expériences sur la gestion de l'eau

Documentation des interventions réussies en Egypte, Israël, Jordanie et Maroc en matière d'efficacité accrue dans la réutilisation des eaux usées.

WP5: Développement d'une Stratégie de communication et de sensibilisation

Élaboration d’un ensemble d’activités de communication et de sensibilisation ciblant les décideurs, les parties prenantes et le grand public (y compris la sensibilisation sur le projet de stratégie pour l'eau en Méditerranée et les projets de démonstration sélectionnés)

Réunions de consultation avec les responsables des services de vulgarisation aux agriculteurs et / ou des administrations / coopératives liées aux activités agricoles pour identifier le type de messages, de documents et d'activités qui pourraient constituer la campagne de sensibilisation et de communication vers ce groupe cible (enAlgérie, Jordanie, Maroc et Tunisie)


Pour plus d'informations sur ce pilier cliquez ici (document disponible seulement en anglais)


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                                                                                                                                 SWIM EMAIL ALERT
                                                                                                                                 NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013
Water is too precious to waste...

Dear SWIM friend,

You are receiving this monthly email alert for your timely information about forthcoming activities and new materials available on the SWIM websites.

We hope you will find it useful and will bring you even closer to the SWIM family!

With best wishes,

The SWIM-SM Team


SWIM- Support Mechanism

  • Together with the EU funded projects WATERDISS2.0and PSI ConnectSWIM-SM has organized on 17 December 2013 an e-seminar related to “Integrated Water Resource Management: from principles to implementation” during which it has presented some of its current achievements in promoting the dissemination and uptake of  its activities’ outcomes at the National level. The presentations and other materials of the e-seminar will be available shortly. SWIM-SM has also actively participated in the final Conference of the WATERDISS2.0 project organized in Barcelona on 2-3 December 2013.
  • National Consultation on the Cost of Water Degradation and Remediation Actions for the Litani River Basin (Beirut, Lebanon - 12 December 2013): the presentations are available in English. The event’s information note is available in English and French.

  • Kick-off Meeting of the Pilot Implementation for the System to Monitor and Evaluate the Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) and Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) Process in Jordan (9 December 2013, Amman): the presentations and materials are available in English.

  • National Consultation on the Cost of Water Degradation and Remediation Actions for the Seybouse River Basin (Algiers, Algeria - 26 November 2013): the materials are available in French

  • 3rd SWIM-SM Steering Committee Meeting (Athens, Greece - 12-13 November 2013): a press note is available in English, French and Arabic. Relevant presentations and/or materials are also available in English and French.

  • The final version of the Review of the International and Regional Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation Systems with special reference for the Formation and the Support of Water Users Associations is available in English

  • The final report of the High level study tour to strengthen political commitment to Participatory Irrigation Management/ Irrigation Management Transfer that took place on 12-18 May 2013 in Turkey is now available also in French


SWIM – Demonstration Projects


Adaptation to Climate Change of the Mediterranean Agricultural Systems

  • A field day on the promotion of the ACLIMAS cereal products from Bekaa Valley was organized on 3rd December in Byblos (Lebanon) in collaboration with the Byblos international festival and the Local Action Group (GAL) Via Appia. At the event took part more than 150 participants, including local authorities, women associations from the Bekaa valley and the Region of Jbeil (Byblos), several NGOs (as child circle, etc..) and a group of CIHEAM-BARI Alumni. Boiled wheat was prepared with nuts and raisin and offered to the citizens participating in the event. The project coordinator consigned the ACLIMAS brochure to the Major of Byblos. 



Innovative Means to Protect Water Resources in the Mediterranean Coastal Areas through re-injection of treated water

  • The pictures taken during the Awareness Workshop & Focus Group organized in Tunis on  3 October 2013 can be seen by clicking here
  • The project’s leaflet is available in English
  • An overall presentation of the project is available in English
  • Information about the e-learning course – Module 2 on  Socio-economic Impacts of Wastewater Treatment using Natural Systems and related Industrial Application and Development are available in English

The project aims to implement the following activities in the coming weeks/months:

  • A Stakeholders Workshop (Tunis, 12.2.2014)
  • A High Level Stakeholder Workshop on Water Management Issues (Cairo, 16.2.2014)
  • The project’s e-learning programme (3 modules) will start on 15.01.2014



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--> Go back to achievements

The purpose is to provide technical support to the EC with the implementation of the demonstration projects, and strengthen the interaction and communication among them and the Support Mechanism.

Provide technical support to the demonstration projects

Support the beneficiaries of demonstration projects in better promotion of their objectives and activities and;
Promote awareness on the demonstration projects among stakeholders at all levels, with a view to improving their impact, multiplying their effects, improving policy design and implementation, and encourage the replication of success stories and;
Strengthen the interaction between the demonstration projects.

 Integration of Demo projects stories in the 6 months News Flash

Integration of Demo projects’ information in the SWIM website

Facilitation of contacts with the press and journalists and other relevant stakeholders.

 Align the SWIM SM and the SWIM demo visibility and communications strategy in the framework of SWIM objectives

Facilitate the participation of Demo projects grantees in the SWIM launching event

Production of Brochure (English, French and Arabic) presenting the objectives / basic features of Demo projects and how they fit in the overall SWIM framework

SWIM video

Communicate the results of the demonstration projects regularly to the European Commission, the PSC and the Horizon’s Steering Group and sub-groups

Participation in the meetings of the H2020 Steering Committee as well as in key meetings of the H2020 sub-groups and provide update on the implementation status of the Demo Projects

Create dynamic databases of demonstration project beneficiaries

Preparation and maintenance of a database.


--> Go back to achievements

The purpose is to develop a regional strategy for communication and awareness raising that could be applied regionally and nationally. The strategy will actively involve key players inside and outside the water sector, stakeholders, civil society, the media and targeted public in the partner and non‐partner countries.

Create the project’s identity

PPT presentations with SWIM-SM format

SWIM-SM policy profile (AR, EN and FR versions),preparation, up-date and diffusion to national and regional stakeholders

SWIM-SM pamphlet (EN and FR versions) preparation, up-date and diffusion to national and regional stakeholders

Draw up a package of communication and awareness raising activities targeting relevant decision makers, stakeholders and the general public (including awareness on the draft Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean and the selected demonstration projects

Website set up, maintainance and update

Management of promotional materials’ design and production and oversight of the overall communication with SWIM-SM Focal Points, target groups and other stakeholders

Relations with  press and journalists - advertorials, press releases

Preparation of a media kit to be used for the information of media, educators of higher institutes (Universities etc.) and eventually distributed also to journalism students

4 National Information Sessions of media professionals (in Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia)

Consultation meetings with responsible for extension services to farmers and/or administrations / cooperatives related to farmers activities to identify the type of messages, materials and activities that could form the awareness raising and communication campaign addressing this target group (in 4 PCs)

Brochure or other information materials for farmers on the least environmentally and human health damaging practices for watering, for fertilizing, for pest control - Awareness raising about the impacts on health and the environment of re-use of raw or treated wastewater in agriculture. Best practices from other regions and countries will be presented

Four Information workshops targeting farmers, community leaders and consumers in selected regions/river Basins about health safety and practices related to the use of treated waste water in agriculture

Development and Maintenance of a contacts’ data base for  parliamentarians, journalists, NGOs, educators

Production of 6-monthly News Flash 

Production of promotional material, such as : flash memories, notepads, roll-up banners, mousepads, folders

Participation/Contribution to 4 key regional/national events to promote SWIM-SM visibility and coordination with relevant regional initiatives and projects

Media coverage of 5 SWIM-SM events (including the preparation of press-packets in advance of media events)

Oversight and management of the overall communication aspects related to SWIM-SM activities (contacts with relevant stakeholders, preparation of information materials, evaluation of specific activities)

Organisation of SWIM launching event (SWIM-SM + Demonstration Projects)

Organisation of the Workshop on Sustainable Use of non-conventional Water Resources

Update of the Communication and Visibility Work Plan for the coming 1 year of SWIM-SM implementation



Latest News

Twenty-nine representatives from relevant institutions, the private sector (investors/operators) and NGOs from Algeria, Egypt,...
Operators and engineers from the South Mediterranean countries involved in wastewater treatment (WWT) and other stakeholders...
The new film produced to narrate the current achievements of the SWIM program is now available online in English. To view the...
18 representatives of the public water sector, the private insurance sector and NGOs from 7 countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel,...
Consolidation and institutionalisation of a system set up to enhance participatory irrigation management in the south...
The 4th Steering Committee of SWIM-SM was organised with the aim of presenting and discussing the achievements of the project in...
How to evaluate the damages and prioritize specific actions for improving the management of the basins is at the heart of a...
SWIM-SM has recently published a report and a set of guidelines intended to assist legislators and government officials from...
How to achieve a better compliance with water laws in the South Mediterranean countries was at the focus of a 2 days policy...
Based on an assessment recently released by SWIM-SM the cost of water resource degradation of the Upper Litani Basin (ULB)...
The Regional workshop aims to introduce the M&E system and the lessons learnt from the pilot implementation to the SWIM...
ERANETMED, an EU initiative aiming at co-ordinating research activities, has pre-announced the first joint call for...
Under its financing pillar SWIM-SM organises on 30-31 October 2014 a training on Risk and Insurance in...
In collaboration with the National partners and stakeholders in Jordan and Tunisia SWIM-SM is conducting a 2-day...
A training was organised on 23-27 June 2014 to familiarise Tunisian stakeholders with the system set-up by SWIM-SM to enable the...
41 environment and water specialists from relevant Ministries, River Basin Agencies, Universities, Research Centers and NGOs of...
An assessment recently released by SWIM-SM identifies the conditions under which specific investments aimed to reduce the...
The Expert Group Meeting was organized with a dual purpose: (1) to review, discuss and validate the findings of a recent...
A training was organised on 1-5 June 2014 to familiarise Jordanian stakeholders with the system set-up by SWIM-SM to enable the...
For more information on the modalities click here

Alternative flash content


The website management is the responsibility of SWIM Support Mechanism

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