
Expert Group Meeting on Cumulative Environmental Impacts of Desalination in the Mediterranean (23-24 June, Brussels - Belgium)

EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/1 state of desalination in south med countries_hosny khordagui.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/2 prospects of desalination in the mediterranean region_hosny khordagui.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/3 environmental pressures of seawater desalination in the mediterranean_hosny khordagui.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/4 environmental fate and impacts of seawater desalination in the mediterranean region_hosny khordagui.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/5 factors for opting to desalination_hosny khordagui.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/6 policy options to be considered in plnning for desalination_hosny khordagui.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/concept note.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/desalination in cyprus_nicos tsiourtis.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/egm june 14 final agenda fr.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/egm june 14 final agenda.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/eia manual for desalination.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/mdric env impacts 2007.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/report on water desalination status in the mediterranean region.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/swim concept note fr.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/swim-sm list of participants final.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/egm environmental impacts of desalination.pdf
EGM_DESAL_JUNE2014/mom 1 3 2 2 egm meeting results fr.pdf
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