• Training course on " Eco-physiology measurements: a quantitative and qualitative approach to environmental-plant interaction (Beirut and Tal Amara LARI station – Lebanon, 5-7 May 2015) with the participation of 23 young researchers and students from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), the Lebanese University (LU) and the Saint Joseph University (USJ).
  • Field day on “Good management practices for cereals cultivation under climate change” (Irbid - Jordan, 21 May 2015) with the participation of twenty-five local farmers.
  • Training Workshop on “Maximizing productivity of wheat and barley under dry-land systems” (National Centre for Agricultural Research and Extention-NCARE headquarter - Amman, 8-10 June 2015) with the participation of 23 water managers and the extension staff of NCARE coming from different experimental stations all around the country. The lecturers, NCARE staff from Maru station and NCARE-Amman who actively participated in the project activities, transferred the project achievements and results to other colleagues and discussed how to extend the best management practices to other provinces of Jordan.
  • Training course on: "Climate Change Adaptation for Water, Food and Environment Security" (Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation Training Centre, 6th of October City – Egypt, June 13-15, 2015). The training brought together 60 experts, including 18 lecturers and 42 trainees (Policy makers, Officials, Researchers, Practitioners and students), in irrigated agriculture, water, agri-food production and environmental issues. The participants (40% gender equity) were affiliated to different Research Centers, Academia and Universities and Agricultural departments across Egypt working together in interdisciplinary teams.
  • The training themes ranged from Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Socio-economic impact assessment of Climate Change to the technical water management sessions and policy analysis. To read the agenda (available only in English) click here
  • The project promoted visibility and dissemination about its activities and achievements in two occasions:
    • During the International Conference on “Sustainable Water Integrated Management in the South Mediterranean: Matching Efficient Irrigation & Renewable Energy Sources” (May 6, 2015, Order of Engineers and Architects of Beirut – Lebanon) organized by the ENSIAP project in collaboration with SWIM-SM.
    • During the EU – Lebanon cooperation days (8 May 2015, Beirut – Lebanon)

     and communicates with its “community” also through various social Media and networks : Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Youtube.


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