SWIM – Support Mechanism (SWIM-SM) is the Component of the Programme that provides Regional Technical Assistance to Partner Countries.
Funded by the EC with a budget of €6,7 Million and with a duration of 4 years (2010-2014)*, this Component aims at:
- Providing strategic assistance to the Partner Countries in designing and implementing sustainable water management policies and plans, involving inter-sector dialogue as well as stakeholder consultation and participation;
- Contributing to institutional reinforcement, to the development of the necessary planning and management skills and to know-how transfer;
- Raising awareness on the threats on water resources, the necessity to switch to more sustainable consumption models and possible solutions to face challenges
Furthermore, SWIM-SM also:
- assists technically the Demonstration Projects implemented under the second Component of the SWIM Programme and;
- undertakes Capacity Building activities identified under the Horizon 2020 Capacity Building – Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP).
SWIM-SM Target groups include relevant ministries (water and irrigation, agriculture, environment, industry, tourism and trade), water utilities, river basin organisations, municipalities, water users associations, NGOs, media, universities and regional and national research centres.
* In 2014 the EC extended the duration of the Project for 1 year, until December 2015