Water Governance & Mainstreaming: The objective is to support institutional strengthening by ensuring that national water strategies and plans properly address issues of sustainable water resources management based on internationally accepted principles of IWRM, and to mainstream water considerations in other relevant sectoral policies and strategies as well as in national development plans.

Capacity Building: The objective is to contribute to the empowerment of water related institutions and to strengthen competent national and regional training institutions and professional networks that will also continue SWIM activities beyond the duration of the Programme.

Application of Water Management Plans: The objective is to strengthen intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral dialogue as well as exchange of experience in liaison with other on-going initiatives (e.g Horizon 2020 and MED EUWI) and projects.

Identification of good practices and success stories in the region and beyond: The objective is to identify and promote good practices and success stories on water management.

Development of a Communication and Awareness Raising Strategy: The objective is to develop a regional strategy for communication and awareness raising to be applied regionally and nationally. The strategy will target key players inside and outside the water sector, stakeholders, civil society, the media and the general public in the Partner countries.

Support the EC with the overall coordination of the SWIM Programme, particularly by assisting Demonstration projects and strengthening the interactions and communication between these and the activities implemented under the Support Mechanism.


The website management is the responsibility of SWIM Support Mechanism

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