SWIM-Support Mechanism is implemented by a Consortium that was awarded the four year contract to manage the project and assists Partners Countries during its implementation.
The Consortium is formed by a combination of nine international and regional companies and institutions.
- LDK Consultants Engineers & Planners SA: Leader of the Consortium
- Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA)
- Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED)
- DHV B.V.
- Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean (GWP-Med)
- Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change, Department of International Relations & EU Affairs
- Lebanese Ministry of Energy and Water, General Directorate of Hydraulic and Electrical Resources
- Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Bureau de l’Inventaire et des Recherches Hydrauliques / Direction Générale des Ressources en Eau
- Umweltbundesamt GmbH - Environment Agency, Austria
The Consortium has established a regional office for the project in Cairo, Egypt and a backstopping office in LDK Headquarters in Athens, Greece. Four key experts form the Technical Team, namely a Team Leader, a Water Expert, an Environmental Expert and a Communications and Public Consultation Expert. The Technical Team is responsible for carrying out and overseeing all aspects of the project and ensure the quality of its deliverables. A large pool of non-key experts is complementing the main body of services.
Board Committee
Formed by SWIM-SM Consortium Members and the Team Leader it is the governance body responsible and accountable for the delivery of the project, for meeting the Partner Countries (PCs) needs and providing guidance and overview during the project delivery.
Steering Committee
Formed by representatives of the EC, the Consortium and the PCs, it’s role is to monitor, evaluate and provide overall guidance for the project.
National Focal Points
The Ministry of Water/Irrigation in the PCs is the official counterpart of the Project. A National Focal Point is officially nominated by the Ministry to be the counterpart of SWIM-SM Technical Team.
For the list of National Focal Points click here
Environment Liaison Officer
It is nominated by the Ministry of the Environment and ensures synergy with the water activities financed under Horizon 2020 and other regional activities (GEF, MAP etc.). For optimum coordination, it has been suggested that the Horizon 2020 Focal Point takes up the role of SWIM Liaison Officer.
For the list of Environment Liaison Officers click here