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The specific objective of this Pillar is to: (a) update the estimates on the annual costs of water degradation in selected basins or water sheds in the PCs; (b) identify in specific basins in three PCs two priority remedial actions of highly polluted water; (c) build capacity in PCs on environmental valuation and (d) involve stakeholders in the particular basins through consultation to build consensus and dissemination of results at the watershed /basin level.

The components of this Pillar are four-fold: (a) Calculate the Cost of environmental degradation at the basin level, due to water pollution with the aim to place a monetary value on the consequences of the degradation; (b) Cost Benefit or Cost Effectiveness Analyses of Remedial Actions and Preparation of Investment Plans for 1-2 basins in 3 PCs including estimates in monetary terms for the overall social, economic and environmental benefits linked to remedial alternatives. (c) Building the capacity of the decision makers at the subnational/basin level and the Universities to transfer knowledge, especially with regards to the methodologies used for the preparation of investment plans and (d) Validation and dissemination of the Investment Plans at the Watershed/Basin Level to build consensus on the investment plans, seek the Government support to implement and replicate the investment plans.

Work Package 1: Water governance & mainstreaming

Provide ad hoc support and advice for review of water policies, national water strategies and IWRM plans

Projected Costs of Degradation and Restoration of Water Resources in the Medjerda Basin: 2010-2025 (in French)

Assessment of the cost of water degradation and remediation actions in selected River Basins in: Algeria (Seybouse River Basin), Lebanon (Litani River Basin), Morocco (Oum Rabia River Basin) and Tunisia (Medjerda River Basin).

Work Package 3: Application of Water Management Plans

Strengthening the Capacity of SWIM Partner Countries in Assessing the Cost of Water Resources Degradation at the Basin Level

Capacity building of SWIM Partner Countries in the assessment of the cost of water resources degradation at the basin level

Tunis - Tunisia (for participants from Maghreb countries)

Athens - Greece (for participants from Mashrek countries)

For more information on the pillar click here


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