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The purpose is to develop a regional strategy for communication and awareness raising that could be applied regionally and nationally. The strategy will actively involve key players inside and outside the water sector, stakeholders, civil society, the media and targeted public in the partner and non‐partner countries.

Create the project’s identity

PPT presentations with SWIM-SM format

SWIM-SM policy profile (AR, EN and FR versions),preparation, up-date and diffusion to national and regional stakeholders

SWIM-SM pamphlet (EN and FR versions) preparation, up-date and diffusion to national and regional stakeholders

Draw up a package of communication and awareness raising activities targeting relevant decision makers, stakeholders and the general public (including awareness on the draft Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean and the selected demonstration projects

Website set up, maintainance and update

Management of promotional materials’ design and production and oversight of the overall communication with SWIM-SM Focal Points, target groups and other stakeholders

Relations with  press and journalists - advertorials, press releases

Preparation of a media kit to be used for the information of media, educators of higher institutes (Universities etc.) and eventually distributed also to journalism students

4 National Information Sessions of media professionals (in Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia)

Consultation meetings with responsible for extension services to farmers and/or administrations / cooperatives related to farmers activities to identify the type of messages, materials and activities that could form the awareness raising and communication campaign addressing this target group (in 4 PCs)

Brochure or other information materials for farmers on the least environmentally and human health damaging practices for watering, for fertilizing, for pest control - Awareness raising about the impacts on health and the environment of re-use of raw or treated wastewater in agriculture. Best practices from other regions and countries will be presented

Four Information workshops targeting farmers, community leaders and consumers in selected regions/river Basins about health safety and practices related to the use of treated waste water in agriculture

Development and Maintenance of a contacts’ data base for  parliamentarians, journalists, NGOs, educators

Production of 6-monthly News Flash 

Production of promotional material, such as : flash memories, notepads, roll-up banners, mousepads, folders

Participation/Contribution to 4 key regional/national events to promote SWIM-SM visibility and coordination with relevant regional initiatives and projects

Media coverage of 5 SWIM-SM events (including the preparation of press-packets in advance of media events)

Oversight and management of the overall communication aspects related to SWIM-SM activities (contacts with relevant stakeholders, preparation of information materials, evaluation of specific activities)

Organisation of SWIM launching event (SWIM-SM + Demonstration Projects)

Organisation of the Workshop on Sustainable Use of non-conventional Water Resources

Update of the Communication and Visibility Work Plan for the coming 1 year of SWIM-SM implementation



The website management is the responsibility of SWIM Support Mechanism

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