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The purpose is to provide technical support to the EC with the implementation of the demonstration projects, and strengthen the interaction and communication among them and the Support Mechanism.

Provide technical support to the demonstration projects

Support the beneficiaries of demonstration projects in better promotion of their objectives and activities and;
Promote awareness on the demonstration projects among stakeholders at all levels, with a view to improving their impact, multiplying their effects, improving policy design and implementation, and encourage the replication of success stories and;
Strengthen the interaction between the demonstration projects.

 Integration of Demo projects stories in the 6 months News Flash

Integration of Demo projects’ information in the SWIM website

Facilitation of contacts with the press and journalists and other relevant stakeholders.

 Align the SWIM SM and the SWIM demo visibility and communications strategy in the framework of SWIM objectives

Facilitate the participation of Demo projects grantees in the SWIM launching event

Production of Brochure (English, French and Arabic) presenting the objectives / basic features of Demo projects and how they fit in the overall SWIM framework

SWIM video

Communicate the results of the demonstration projects regularly to the European Commission, the PSC and the Horizon’s Steering Group and sub-groups

Participation in the meetings of the H2020 Steering Committee as well as in key meetings of the H2020 sub-groups and provide update on the implementation status of the Demo Projects

Create dynamic databases of demonstration project beneficiaries

Preparation and maintenance of a database.



The website management is the responsibility of SWIM Support Mechanism

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