Expected outputs and outcomes

SWIM-SM is expected to achieve the following:
•    Water considerations are promoted and water targets are mainstreamed in other relevant sectoral policies and strategies as well as in national development plans;
•    Institutions are capable of assisting in the planning and development of water resources management in a holistic manner;
•    Regional approaches and policies on issues related to SWIM objectives are harmonized;
•  A more effective exchange between institutions inside and outside the water sectors, particularly in terms of setting policies and agreeing on accountability, efficiency and governance, is achieved;
•    Fruitful cooperation and interlinks with the water activities of other initiatives and projects are established;
•    Success stories – including those produced in the framework of the Demonstration projects (SWIM-DM) - are disseminated widely among the beneficiaries of SWIM and of other projects / programs, in view of enhancing and multiplying their effects, improving policy design and implementation and encouraging the replication of best practices;
•    Communication and awareness raising activities are developed and implemented at the Regional (Mediterranean) level and in selected countries;
•  The Demonstration projects and their beneficiaries are supported and solid interactions among these projects and between them and the activities of the SWIM-Support Mechanism are promoted.

To see the achievements of the 1st implementation year click on the title of each Thematic Pillar and/or Work Package:

SWIM-SM Thematic Pillars

Pillar A: Non-Conventional Water Resources

Pillar B: Economic Valuation of Water Pollution Abatement

Pillar C: No-regret Actions for the Adaptation of the Water sector to Climate Change

Pillar D: Water Governance at the Local Level: Sharing Experiences from Water Users' Associations


SWIM-SM Work Packages

Work Package 1: Water governance & mainstreaming

Work Package 2: Capacity Building Activities

Work Package 3: Application of water management plans

Work Package 4: Identification of good practices & success stories in the region & elsewhere

Work Package 5: Development of a Communication and Awareness Raising Strategy 

Work Package 6: Support the Commission with the overall Coordination of the Programme


Progress report

Presentations about progress



The website management is the responsibility of SWIM Support Mechanism

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