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The purpose is to develop a regional strategy for communication and awareness raising that could be applied regionally and nationally. The strategy will actively involve key players inside and outside the water sector, stakeholders, civil society, the media and targeted public in the partner and non‐partner countries.

Create the project’s identity

PPT presentations with SWIM-SM format

SWIM-SM policy profile (AR, EN and FR versions),preparation, up-date and diffusion to national and regional stakeholders

SWIM-SM pamphlet (EN and FR versions) preparation, up-date and diffusion to national and regional stakeholders

Draw up a package of communication and awareness raising activities targeting relevant decision makers, stakeholders and the general public (including awareness on the draft Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean and the selected demonstration projects

Website set up, maintainance and update

Management of promotional materials’ design and production and oversight of the overall communication with SWIM-SM Focal Points, target groups and other stakeholders

Relations with  press and journalists - advertorials, press releases

Preparation of a media kit to be used for the information of media, educators of higher institutes (Universities etc.) and eventually distributed also to journalism students

4 National Information Sessions of media professionals (in Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia)

Consultation meetings with responsible for extension services to farmers and/or administrations / cooperatives related to farmers activities to identify the type of messages, materials and activities that could form the awareness raising and communication campaign addressing this target group (in 4 PCs)

Brochure or other information materials for farmers on the least environmentally and human health damaging practices for watering, for fertilizing, for pest control - Awareness raising about the impacts on health and the environment of re-use of raw or treated wastewater in agriculture. Best practices from other regions and countries will be presented

Four Information workshops targeting farmers, community leaders and consumers in selected regions/river Basins about health safety and practices related to the use of treated waste water in agriculture

Development and Maintenance of a contacts’ data base for  parliamentarians, journalists, NGOs, educators

Production of 6-monthly News Flash 

Production of promotional material, such as : flash memories, notepads, roll-up banners, mousepads, folders

Participation/Contribution to 4 key regional/national events to promote SWIM-SM visibility and coordination with relevant regional initiatives and projects

Media coverage of 5 SWIM-SM events (including the preparation of press-packets in advance of media events)

Oversight and management of the overall communication aspects related to SWIM-SM activities (contacts with relevant stakeholders, preparation of information materials, evaluation of specific activities)

Organisation of SWIM launching event (SWIM-SM + Demonstration Projects)

Organisation of the Workshop on Sustainable Use of non-conventional Water Resources

Update of the Communication and Visibility Work Plan for the coming 1 year of SWIM-SM implementation


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The purpose is to strengthen intra‐sector (within all actors in the water sector, namely ministries, local authorities, civil society, etc) and inter‐sector dialogue, exchange experience in liaison with Horizon 2020 and MED EUWI, catalyse action from partner countries and other donors, elaborate upon thematic issues, and harmonise approaches and policies.

Develop mechanisms and procedures to facilitate regional dialogue, consultations, and exchange of experience among the most water intensive sectors such as agriculture, tourism and urban development

Capacity building of SWIM Partner Countries in the assessment of the cost of water resources degradation at the basin level

16-18 June, Tunis - Tunisia (for participants from Maghreb countries)

23-25 June, Athens - Greece (for participants from Mashrek countries)

Strengthening the Capacity of SWIM Partner Countries in Assessing the Cost of Water Resources Degradation at the Basin Level

Assessment on the best available technologies related to wastewater reuse and desalination in rural areas and evaluation on the Economic Considerations for Supplying Water Through Desalination in South Mediterranean Countries. Organisation of a meeting of the Expert Group on Desalination to review the Assessment and provide advice on further development. Activity to feed the regional training under WP 2 (under Pillar A: non conventional water resources).

Assessment of the cost of water degradation and remediation actions in selected River Basins in: Algeria (Seybouse River Basin), Lebanon (Litani River Basin), Morocco (Oum Rabia River Basin) and Tunisia (Medjerda River Basin). (Pillar B: Economic Valuation of Water Resources)

Review and analysis of private sector participation modalities in water service delivery, with emphasis on the southern mediterranean region, to strengthen implementation capacity of national water plans at local level with emphasis on financial sustainability (under Pillar D: Local Governance with focus on Water Users Associations)

Organise and/or participate in regional or sub regional events aiming at mobilising partner countries and other donors in favour of sustainable water management schemes, and bringing together key players on water and environment in the region


3rd Steering Committee Meeting of the SWIM-SM Project

2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the SWIM-SM Project

Launching Regional Workshop of the SWIM programme in December 2011 (7-8 December)

Expert Group Meeting on Desalination in the Mediterranean

Contribution in the Regional Conference on Advancing Non-Conventional Water Resources Management in the Mediterranean (Athens, 14-15 September 2011) and organisation of the SWIM-SM Workshop on Sustainable Use of Non-Conventional Water Resources (Athens, 16 September 2011) (horizontal activity)

Participation of the key experts in regional events (horizontal activity)

Organise and/or facilitate discussions and harmonising approaches and policies on issues related to the objectives of the Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean, notably IWRM and adaptation to climate change, and the Horizon 2020 initiative, especially its de-pollution component

Close operational linkages with H2020 Initiative to de-pollute the Mediterranean Sea (horizontal activity)


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The objective is to identify and promote good practices and success stories on water management and/or de‐pollution of the Mediterranean, in line with the four themes of the draft Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean and the three sources of pollution tackled by the Horizon 2020 initiative (municipal wastewater, municipal solid waste and industrial emissions) with an emphasis on water issues.

Activity 1: Identify and disseminate success stories and supporting exchange of experience between the beneficiaries of the present project and those of other projects/programmes implemented at regional or national level and;

Activity 2: Identify and inform about possible good practices and exchange knowledge on programmes or projects on water management in the region and elsewhere, funded by other donors and;

Activity 4: Contribute to facilitating the transfer of know‐how and exchange of experience on water management

Verification and Validation of Adequacy & Efficiency of Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Projects in Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia (TUNISIA) 

Verification and Validation of Adequacy & Efficiency of Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Projects in Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia (MOROCCO)

Verification and Validation of Adequacy & Efficiency of Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Projects in Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia (LEBANON)

Documentation of Best Practices in wastewater reuse in Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Morocco (under Pillar A: non conventional water resources).

Identification of best practices on reduction of non-revenue water, documented for Algeria, Israel, Jordan, Morocco


The purpose is to support the strengthening of stakeholders’ capacity at regional level and contribute to the empowerment of water related institutions; identify competent national and regional training institutions so as to serve as ‘networks/centres of reference’ and to prepare a regional roster of experts from the ENPI countries who can deal successfully with sustainable water management issues in the region.

Establishment of a network with the existing regional and national training institutions

Contact list of national and regional centres of excellence - elaborated in close collaboration with H2020 CB/MEP -  relating to the SWIM themes developed

Based on the database, mapping exercise of on ongoing and planned training activities at regional level so as to identify gaps with emphasis on SWIM-SM focus themes

Development of a matrix to highlight the possibilities for interlinks and synergies with on-going initiatives and projects in SWIM region associated with an operational mechanism for collaboration and synergy

Develop national and regional capacity building programmes / training sessions

Study tour on wastewater management and natural treatment systems in rural areas

Training on evaluating and structuring PPPs in the Water Sector

Training workshop on risk and insurance in PPPs for water infrastructure

High level policy dialogue on enforcement of water laws in SWIM-SM countries

Intensive course on desalination with solar energy

Training and Study Tour in Europe on the Operation and Management of Wastewater Treatment Plants

Training workshop on Strengthening Public Sector Capacity to Mobilize Depollution Investments and Private Sector Participation

Training Course - Cost Estimating of Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Desalination Plants

Training workshop and study tour for developing the capacity of prosecutors and investigators to enforce water & environment legislations

High level study tour on participatory irrigation management/irrigation management transfer process

Training of government officials on the preparation of water plans/strategies

Sub Regional training on the inter-linkages between integrated water resources management (IWRM) and integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) - in coordination with H2020 CB/MEP

Sub-regional  trainings in Israel and Tunisia on innovative and adaptable technologies for treated wastewater reuse, including the recharge of aquifers and sustainable desalination

Regional training to provide technical assistance for the identification and development of no-regret actions 

Regional training of water user associations' representatives from selected countries with part of the training provided by representatives from SWIM Partner Countries advanced in WUAs operationalisation - in coordination with H2020 CB/MEP. 

Regional training course on Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Water infrastructure


The website management is the responsibility of SWIM Support Mechanism

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