Implementing projects:

SWIM-SM: Support Mechanism of the SWIM Programme

SWIM-ACLIMAS:  Adaptation to Climate Change of Mediterranean Agricultural Systems

SWIM-IMPROWARE: Innovative Means to Protect Water Resources in the Mediterranean Coastal Areas through Re-injection of Treated Water

SWIM- Sustain Water MED:  Network of demonstration activities for sustainable integrated wastewater treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean countries 

Activity type

Activity title / short description



Implementing project
Impact/evaluation mission Impact and evaluation mission of the pilot project Planned February 2015 SWIM-SUSTAIN WATER MED
Model development Development of a Finite Element Model (FEM) in the Nobarya Region to predict the evolution of the groundwater flow and groundwater quality due to natural forcing factors and anthropogenic activities Implemented October-December 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Upgrade works for wastewater treatment plant

Award of contract to implementing company and start of the works for the upgrade of the WWTP in Nobariya

Implemented October 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Demonstration project Construction works for the Constructed Wetland  Implemented September 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Manual Translation in English of a manual on treated Waste Water for agricultural reuse and its distribution to local stakeholders  Implemented September 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
GIS Platform Set-up of a GIS Platform to monitor the evolution of the groundwater use, pumping rates, piezometric levels, salt water intrusion, water quality and hydro-geological settings in Korba Implemented September 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Three-dimensional hydro-geological schematic model

Development of a three-dimensional hydro-geological schematic model of the Nobariya area on the basis of the collected information to be used for developing a detailed numerical groundwater model to reconstruct the evolution of the groundwater flow and quality in the area surrounding the pond due to natural forcing factors (e.g. reduced natural recharge) and anthropogenic activities (e.g. irrigation) and to develop possible scenarios of Artificial Aquifer Recharge (AAR)

Implemented July - September 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Drilling Works
  • Drilling of one pumping well and four piezometers around the Nobariya pond to characterise the area from the geological point of view and calibrate the geophysical survey carried out in the preceding months.
  • Collection of a continuous core sample from the main well.
  • Conduction of aquifer tests (pumping, recovery and slug tests) to determine the hydraulic parameters of the aquifer.
  • Collection of water samples from the main well, the piezometers and the pond in order to be tested in the laboratory of the Egyptian National Water Resources Centre (the analysis included major anions and cations, heavy metals and basic biological parameters) 
Implemented July-September 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Communication campaign As part of the Communication campaign "ANY DROP OF WATER" started in April 2014 a great number of workshops, meetings and events for school and University students, farmers, women, industrials, ecc. have been organised and great visibility has been given to the the issues of Water Scarcity, Water Saving and Water Treatment on the local press to raise the awareness of the Broad Public Implemented July-September 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Awareness raising campaign  Campaign with the students of the primary schools of Nobariya to raise awareness on the importance of saving water. On-going April 2014 -  SWIM-IMPROWARE
Film shooting Shooting of a short movie presenting the IMPROWARE Project in Egypt,by the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (Egyptian Project partner) On-going June 2014 - SWIM-IMPROWARE
Local Capacity Building Activities Development of local Capacity Building Activities for the Nobariya area, targeting the women of the surroundings on techniques for water saving in the domestic day-to-day life Implemented April-June 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Technical survey Execution of 16 infiltration tests to characterize the surface soils and the infiltration rates in the study area (Nobariya) Implemented April-June 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Local Stakeholders engagement strategy Meeting with Local Industries (12 Industries participants) Implemented 3 June 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Consulting mission Consulting mission comprising the preparation of the executive design and tender documents as well as the construction supervision for the Egyptian pilot project was commissioned to a consulting company Implemented May 2014 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Tendering process

Launching of the process for the elaboration of tender documents (technical specifications, design work) and an Environmental Impact Analysis for the Egyptian pilot project 

On-going March 2014 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Local Stakeholders engagement strategy Meeting with NGOs (24 NGO participants) Implemented 29 April 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Steering Committee Meeting Establishment of the Steering Committee of the Egyptian pilot project on decentralized wastewater management. The Committee is a sub-group of the existing National Scientific Committee. During this meeting, the members discussed the scope of the mission to determine the technical specifications of the Egyptian pilot activity. Implemented February 2014 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Drilling activities Completion of the activities by the drilling company  Planned 10 April 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Tender procedures Finalisation of the tender document related to the preparation of the new pumping wells On-going 13 March 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Tender procedures Completion of the tender procedure for the realization of the Constructed Wetland in Nobariya  Implemented February 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Communication Strategy Update of the Communication Strategy for Egypt and definition of the agenda of future workshops Implemented February 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Regional Assessment with National Focus Regional guidelines on measures for improving compliance with water legislations and assess the available enforcement capacity and mechanisms currently practiced in SWIM-SM region to enforce water legislations with focus on 4 SWIM-SM PCs Implemented February 2014 SWIM-SM
Technical Survey 2nd geophysical campaign to measure MRS data to be used as an input to design the hydrological model. Implemented 7 January 2014  SWIM-IMPROWARE
Constructed wetland design Project design of the constructed wetland Implemented December 2013 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Workshop Stakeholders’ workshop on water management  Implemented 22 December 2013 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Technical Survey Groundbased TEM mapping in Nobarya, Egypt Implemented 5-19 December 2013 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Sowing Sowing activities in the demonstration sites Implemented November-December 2013 SWIM-ACLIMAS
Technical Survey Scouting in the Nobariya area to acquire a comprehensive overview of the site features Implemented 13-15 November 2013 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Study Baseline Assessment Study for the pilot project on decentralized wastewater treatment and reuse in Al-Gezayra, in the Ismailia Governorate Implemented October 2013 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Consultation Workshops/Meetings Meetings with village representatives to inform them of the project scope and identify village needs with regards to rural sanitation Implemented October 2013 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Data management Technical mission to agree with the local Partners the strategies necessary for the acquisition of any needed further information/data Implemented July 2013 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Capacity building Capacity building activities for the local Development Authority Officers of Nubariya in interviewing local stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations regarding the pilot activities and reporting interview results  Implemented June/July 2013 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Data management Processing of data related to the hydrologic/hydrogeologic system description in Nubariya - Wadi Al-Natrun and set up of a GIS archive Implemented June 2013 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Upgrading works Design of the upgrading project for Nubariya Water Treatment Plant Implemented June 2013 SWIM-IMPROWARE

Assessment + National Consultation

Assessment of the status of wastewater strategies/policies/action plans development and implementation in Egypt



Regional Assessment with National Focus

Regional Assessment - Water Users' Associations in the SWIM-SM Partner Countries

Implemented 2012 SWIM-SM

The website management is the responsibility of SWIM Support Mechanism

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