Implementing projects:

SWIM-SM: Support Mechanism of the SWIM Programme

SWIM-ACLIMAS:  Adaptation to Climate Change of Mediterranean Agricultural Systems

SWIM-IMPROWARE: Innovative Means to Protect Water Resources in the Mediterranean Coastal Areas through Re-injection of Treated Water

SWIM- Sustain Water MED:  Network of demonstration activities for sustainable integrated wastewater treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean countries 

SWIM- WADIS-MAR: Water harvesting and Agricultural techniques in Dry lands: an Integrated and Sustainable model in MAghreb Regions

Activity type

Activity title / short description



Implementing project

Model elaboration Model able to simulate the transport, diffusion and reaction of chemical species in the natural environment, after the sand filtration treatment On-going 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE

Regional Assessment with National Focus

Regional Assessment of past drought& flood episodes and their management in Selected SWIM-SMPCs 


February 2015


Regional awareness raising campaign

Awareness raising of farmers on the potential health issues related to the re-use of treated wastewater in irrigation: production of information materials and organization of an information session


January 2015


Field Workshops Field Workshops concerning agronomic and Public Participatory GIS Activities and South-South experience exchange  Implemented 10-12 December 2014 SWIM WADIS-MAR
Report Report on agronomyc activities in Oum Zessar site, Medenine Implemented December 2014 SWIM WADIS-MAR
Data Elaboration

Processing of hydro geological, iso-chemical and isotopic data related to water quality 

Implemented November-December 2014 SWIM WADIS-MAR
Training Course Advanced tools to predict water stress and its effect on the yield of field crops Implemented 24-27 November 2014  SWIM-ACLIMAS
Tender procedures  Launching of tender for the installation of baffles and for the construction of the sand filter treatment at Korba wastewater treatment station Implemented 1 November 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Evaluation/Monitoring  First phase of the evaluation of the irrigation system to monitor activities before and after the upgrade of the Korba wastewater treatment plant. Results will show the current effectiveness of the WWTP in Korba, before the upgrade  Implemented October 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Evaluation/Monitoring Impact and evaluation mission of the pilot project in Tunisia Implemented October 2014 SWIM-SUSTAIN WATER MED
Self-evaluation workshop Self-evaluation workshop on the status of Participatory Irrigation Management / Irrigation Management Transfer (PIM/IMT) in the country  Implemented 29-30 September 2014 SWIM-SM
Technical mission

Technical mission in Médénine and Tunis to finalize tender procedures for works related to the design of the artificial aquifer recharge intervention (recharge basins, vadose-zone wells, also called dry wells and recharge wells with recharge chambers) for the Trias aquifer in the Oum Zessar watershed and discuss dissemination workshops, finance and administration aspects, progress of field activities and the Public Participatory GIS activity (PPGIS) to be carried out in November/December with the participation of Biskra and Médénine farmers.

Implemented 7-10 September 2014 SWIM WADIS-MAR
Communication campaign

As part of the Communication campaign "ANY DROP OF WATER" started in April 2014 a great number of workshops, meetings and events for school and University students, farmers, women, industrials, ecc. have been organised and great visibility has been given to the the issues of Water Scarcity, Water Saving and Water Treatment on the local press to raise the awareness of the Broad Public

Implemented July-September 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Monitoring plan Development of a monitoring plan to verify the pollutants removal efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant in Korba  Implemented July-September 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Elaboration of a desinfection treatment Elaboration of a desinfection treatment to be tested at lab scale in order to additionally improve the quality of the maturation ponds effluent in the wastewater treatment plant of Korba Implemented July-September 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Study Two numerical studies to evaluate the effects of a sand filtration treatment upstream the tertiary treatment and the installation of baffles in the maturation ponds as possible solutions for the wastewater treatment plant of Korba Implemented July-September 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
GIS Platform Set-up of a GIS Platform to monitor the evolution of the groundwater use, pumping rates, piezometric levels, salt water intrusion, water quality and hydro-geological settings in Korba Implemented September 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Workshop Workshop to provide professionals with a detailed introduction to the TEM methods used for hydro-geological investigations, in terms of data acquisition, processing and interpretation Implemented July 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Geo-physical survey Geophysical survey to gather new information about the hydro-geological setting of the Korba area Implemented July 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Communication campaign Launching of the Communication Campaign “ANY DROP OF WATER”  implying activities such as the involvement of Local Stakeholders, Communication, Capacity Building and Dissemination. It has started with a workshop dedicated to anyone who wishes to become familiar with the Research Component of IMPROWARE (hydrogeological and technical surveys) and with activities tackling Education on Environmental Protection for students aged 10 to 17, both in Tunis and in the Korba area, with the collaboration of a local NGO  Implemented April 2014 - SWIM-IMPROWARE
Agricultural interventions Agricultural interventions consisting on deficit irrigation, at many levels on crops during all the cycle or at some crucial stages of growth in the 3 chosen areas Chaabet El Anz site (up-stream area), Loudayette site (mid-stream area), Oued Moussa site (Down-stream area) On-going April 2014 - SWIM WADIS-MAR

Training on a Monitoring & Evaluation system developed by SWIM-SM in relation to the Participatory Irrigation Management / Irrigation Management Process (PIM/IMT) 

Implemented 23-27 June 2014 SWIM-SM
Training course

Training course on Database and Geological 3D Modeling 

Implemented 25-26 June 2014 SWIM WADIS-MAR
Spectroradiometric Measurements Campaign Spectroradiometric Measurements Campaign in the study area of the extended hydrogeological basin of Oum Zessar (Medenine Governorate area)  Implemented 16–19 June 2014 SWIM WADIS-MAR
Artificial aquifer recharge interventions Design of the artificial aquifer recharge intervention (recharge basins, vadose-zone wells, also called dry wells and recharge wells with recharge chambers) for the Trias aquifer in the Oum Zessar watershed (including the final costs estimation and the materials selection). Implemented June 2014 SWIM WADIS-MAR
Field work
  • Geology field trip
  • Data collection (structural geological data and hudrogeological data)
  • Collection of data for new geological interpretation
Implemented April-June 2014 SWIM WADIS-MAR
Ground truth campaign Ground truth campaign Implemented April-June 2014 SWIM WADIS-MAR
Interviews Interviews and briefings with selected local beneficiaries (farmers) Implemented April-June 2014 SWIM WADIS-MAR
Training Course Operation and maintenance of irrigation systems fed with treated wastewater Implemented April-June 2014 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Training Course Wastewater sampling Implemented April-June 2014 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Training Course Regulatory and normative framework of wastewater quality monitoring Implemented April-June 2014 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Training Course Management of wastewater treatment plants Implemented April-June 2014 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Geophysical survey Geophysical survey using the ground TEM methodology  Implemented April-June 2014 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Tender procedures Launch the tender for the construction of the Tunisian pilot activity in Medinine Implemented April-June 2014 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Scientific Days Scientific days on: “Climate change and adaptation measures”, INAT, Tunis Implemented 20 – 21 May 2014 SWIM-ACLIMAS
Technical visit Technical visit to monitor and discuss on-going demonstration and implementation activities in the target area Implemented 19-24 May 2014 SWIM-ACLIMAS
Geoelectrical campaign / theoretical and field trainings Geoelectrical campaign in Medenine including: (1) a theoretical training addressed to project partner’s staff providing the basic principles of the electrical resistivity method; (2) a field training on a galvanic coupled resistivity system aiming at the production of 2D resistivity tomographies for the definition of the stratigraphy of the area and the related saturation condition of the subsoil. The geophysical  survey was made along the area were the artificial recharge system will be realized Implemented 7-12 April 2014



Field Day Field Day on : “Wheat crop, fertilization, weed and pest control” in Menzel Temime, Nabeul Implemented 2 April 2014 SWIM-ACLIMAS
Field surveys/training Geophysical prospections and a session of training on the job and data analysis/processing for technical staff of IRA and other local institutions. Planned March 2014



Training Training course on: “Integrated management of water and soil resources”  Implemented 24–28 February 2014  SWIM-ACLIMAS
Technical meetings

Technical meetings on administrative and financial aspects. Field visit for monitoring of agronomical activities in some demonstration sites (Chaabet el Anz, Ksar el Hallouf, Bedoui and Megarine); 

Implemented 10-15 February 2014



Tendering process

Launching of tendering process for the Tunisian pilot activities (construction of a sand filter, procurement of laboratory equipment, establishment of a cross-sector water quality control IT platform, environmental impact analysis) 

Implemented  2014 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Technical meetings/surveys Artificial aquifer recharge:Finalization of the design (including the final costs estimation, the materials selection, the topographic survey) of the artificial aquifer recharge intervention Implemented 22-25 January, 2014



Kick-off meeting

Kick-off Meeting of the Pilot Implementation for the System to Monitor and Evaluate the Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) and Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) Process

Implemented 16 January 2014 SWIM-SM

Baseline Assessment Study for the pilot project on treated wastewater quality controlling in Oueljet El Khodher, Medenine Province

Implemented December 2013 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Sowing Sowing activities in the demonstration sites Implemented November-December 2013 SWIM-ACLIMAS

Artificial aquifer recharge intervention design

A proposal for the artificial groundwater recharge for the Trias aquifer in the Oum Zessar watershed was developed. Upon discussion and sharing with partners, intervention areas were also selected. The artificial recharge systems so defined, includes recharge basins, vadose-zone wells, also called dry wells and recharge wells with recharge chambers in Tunisia. The outputs of this activity consist of technical designs (CAD format) of the recharge systems and technical reports Implemented October-November 2013



Consultation Workshop Consultation workshop with stakeholders from the Oueljet El Khodher Wastewater Treatment Plan and affected farmers Implemented September 2013 SWIM-Sustain Water MED
Technical meeting/field visits

Technical mission in Medenine to make the state of the art in agronomic selected sites:

- Bedoui site, where deficit irrigation management techniques for barley and olive trees are compared to the traditional irrigation management adopted by the farmer;

- El Mgharine site, where a demonstration activity are beeing carried out for assessing the response of olive, citrus and vine trees to different irrigation strategies in order to define the best irrigation program and for reinforcing farmers’ capacities to face the problem of water scarcity by helping them improve their knowledge about the integration of information on soil, evapotranspiration, and salinity in water management;

- Ksar Halloufwhere agronomic activities are focused on traditional cropping promotion and support for improved irrigation management in traditional mountainous oasis and in jessours  systems.

Implemented 17 – 21 September  2013



Data management Technical mission to agree with the local Partners the strategies necessary for the acquisition of any needed further information/data Implemented July 2013 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Capacity building Capacity building activities for the local Development Authority Officers of Nubariya (Egypt) and for relevant Authorities in Korba (Tunisia) in interviewing local stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations regarding the pilot activities and reporting interview results  Implemented June/July 2013 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Data management Processing of data related to the hydrologic/hydrogeologic system description in the two study sites (Nubariya Wadi Al-Natrun, Egypt and Korba,Tunisia) and set up of a GIS archive Implemented June 2013 SWIM-IMPROWARE
Workshop A Public Participatory GIS (PPGIS) workshop in Medenine involving beneficiary farmers of the identified micro-catchments and other stakeholders (representatives of local authorities, researchers, professionals, representative of civil society, NGO) Implemented 13 June 2013



Questionnaire Preparation of a questionnaire to be compiled by farmers in Algeria and Tunisia within the Public Participatory GIS (PPGIS) and agronomic activities to identify socioeconomic characteristics, farming practices and farmers’ perceived environmental and climate change impacts Implemented 2013



Hydrogeological plan Preparation of a tentative hydrogeological and agricultural intervention plan. 3 micro-catchments of Oum Zessour watershed have been defined for intervention: Chaabet El Anaz site (up-stream area), Loudayette site (mid-stream area), Oued Moussa site (Down-stream area) Implemented 2013



Field visits Field visits to: 1) make short interviews and briefings with selected local beneficiaries (farmers); 2) collect salinized soils samples for hyperspectral remote sensing analysis Implemented 2013



Workshop Organisation of a Workshop on Experience and challenges of wastewaster treatment and reuse in Jordan and Tunisia Implemented 9 May 2013 SWIM - Sustain Water MED
Field Day Field Day on improving rainfed cropping systems Implemented 8 May 2013 SWIM-ACLIMAS
Technical meeting / field visits Technical meetings and field visits in Medenine with relevant stakeholders to discuss about aquifer artificial recharge solutions, agronomic, Public Participatory GIS (PPGIS) activities and tender procedures Implemented 5-10 May 2013



Training Three days training on Database and Groundwater Modeling during which participants of Institut des Région Arides - Tunisie (IRA) and Agence nationale des Ressources Hydrauliques – Algerie (ANRH) shared experience with the Système Aquifère du Sahara Septentrional project (SASS) and SASS consultation Mechanism Implemented 22-26 April 2013



Training Training Course on the Use of modern technologies (GIS) for spatial elaboration and analysis of agro-ecological and sustainable management of Mediterranean agricultural systems Implemented 16-18 April 2013 SWIM-ACLIMAS
Field Day Field Day on best practices in varieties resistance and yield Implemented 26 March 2013 SWIM-ACLIMAS
Field day Field Day on best practices for weed and pest control under supplemental irrigation Implemented 19 March 2013 SWIM-ACLIMAS
Field day Field Day on best Practices for weed and pest control under supplemental irrigation Implemented 18 March 2013 SWIM-ACLIMAS
Field day Field day on best practices for fertilization-pest control Implemented 14 March 2013 SWIM-ACLIMAS
Review + Consultation workshop Review and analysis of the status of implementation of Wastewater Strategies and/or Action Plans in Tunisia and National Consultation Implemented 5 March 2013 SWIM-SM
Field Day Field Day on Varieties Fertilization / weed control Implemented 30 January 2013 SWIM-ACLIMAS
Consultation workshop

Consultation workshop on the cost of the environmental degradation and remediation of the Mejerda River Basins (Tunisia)

Implemented 7 December 2012 SWIM-SM
Steering Committee Meeting Establishment of National Steering Committee for the pilot project in Tunisia Implemented 2012 SWIM Sustain Water MED


Assessment of the cost of environmental degradation at the basin level in Tunisia (Medjerda River)




Survey / training

Hydrogeological and isotopic sampling survey aiming at the hydrogeological reconstruction and modelling of the intervention area of Oum Zessar and training of partner’s technicians on how to execute a hydrogeological survey and apply internationally recognized standards for specific laboratory analysis.


November 2012



Regional Assessment with National Focus

Regional Review of National Water Plans and/or Strategies

Implemented 2012 SWIM-SM
Information Workshop

SWIM Media Information Workshop

Implemented June 2012 SWIM-SM
Regional Assessment with National Focus

Regional Assessment - Water Users' Associations in the SWIM-SM Partner Countries

Implemented 2012 SWIM-SM



The website management is the responsibility of SWIM Support Mechanism

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