The training will introduce the refined version of the MONEVA system - a computer application developed by SWIM-SM to monitor and evaluate the process PIM/IMT - and the procedures that have been recently developed to anchor the use of the system in the pilot countries (Jordan and Tunisia).
Participants will include representatives of the national, regional and local partners involved in the pilot implementation of the M & E system. Relevant stakeholders from Egypt and Palestine, who have expressed their interest for this activity, will also join the training in Jordan.

SWIM-SM had developed in 2013 a regional system to monitor and evaluate the Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) and the Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) process.

After its conversion to a computer application (MONEVA) in 2014 the system was then pilot tested in Jordan and Tunisia at national, regional (North Directorate and Karameh Directorate in Jordan and the CRDA of Kairouan, Sousse et Monastir) and local levels (WUAs), including trainings of relevant stakeholders.
During 2015 the MONEVA system was refined and its user-friendliness enhanced based on the results of evaluation workshop conducted in September 2014 in the two pilot countries. In addition, SWIM-SM has developed procedures for data collection / entry and processing forms in order to enable the institutionalization of the system in the two pilot countries.

These procedures will be tested at the regional level in Karameh Directorate, Jordan, including all the WUAs within this directorate and in one of the Agricultural Development Group (Groupement de Developpement Agricole - GDA) within the Regional Agricultural Development Commission of Sousse, Tunisia (Commissariat Régional au Développement Agricole) with up to 10 WUAs.

Since MONEVA is applicable only to medium and large sizes WUAs, only those serving more than 100 hectares are considered.

To Read the Information Note related to the training in Jordan click here
To Read the Information Note related to the training in Tunisia click here


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