This activity supports the implementation of IWRM plans and policies in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon by proposing a credible monitoring system based on a set of indicators reflecting the IWRM holistic approach.
In order to establish a point of reference, the state of the art in developing and utilizing IWRM monitoring indicators in two Euro Mediterranean countries (France and Spain) with an advanced IWRM planning and implementation will also be investigated.
In this sense a comparative assessment of implementation and monitoring modalities between the above-mentioned groups of countries will be carried out with focus on the following issues:

  • Measures applied for integrating socio-economic and environmental dimensions in monitoring IWRM
  • Procedures and techniques to interpret and integrate water relevant information, including how IWRM indicators are reported and disseminated and to whom.
  • How the civil society, media, stakeholders, etc. are informed about IWRM indicators and if this is promoting their participation in managing water resources.
  • Measures, tools, techniques, capacities and mechanisms currently used to monitor for implementation of IWRM, in order to assess gaps and identify capacity building needs.

The availability of primary data, in terms of its accuracy, continuity, cost effectiveness, technical monitoring capacity, source of data, coordination among water relevant institutions, etc., will also be investigated and if the selected indicators for monitoring IWRM are adequately populated.

Finally, a set of recommendation for the three Focus Countries, donors and organizations working in the field to assist them design their forthcoming technical support assistance programs on this issue according to the actual needs will be formulated.

The need for this activity stems from the recognition that while IWRM concepts are already adopted and some reforms are either completed or underway, in most South Mediterranean countries there is still a big lack of appropriate indicators and/or systems to monitor progress and to ensure that the actions and measures outlined in their IWRM national plans are being realized and that adequate resources are being allocated and used effectively.


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