• Finalization of the hydrogeological modelling of the Oued Biskra inféro-flux aquifer using Modflow for Windows (PMWIN) (April-May 2015). In order to predict the efficiency and efficacy of the designed Manager Aquifer Recharge (MAR) system for the Oued Biskra aquifer, a numerical groundwater flow model has been built using Modflow for Windows (PMWin). The reliability of the simulation depends on the accuracy of the calibration phase for the steady and transient state. The attention was focused on the model construction (the studied tract of the aquifer has been divided into a 29m x 29m cell grid covering a total area of 8.389.800 m2 and is constituted by one unconfined layer and two horizons) and on the steady state calibration. The aim of the steady state calibration was to configure all the hydrogeological parameters (hydraulic conductivity, aquifer recharge, etc..) in order to obtain the best fitting between the numerical solution and the measured piezometric head used as reference state (SCET-COOP, 1966). The good fitting between the calculated and the measured piezometric head and the very low discrepancy (-0,6%) for the water budget show that the steady state calibration has been successfully completed. The software used for the modelling is available for free download at http://www.simcore.com/pm53 and offers a totally integrated simulation system for modelling groundwater flow and transport processes.
  • Several technical and financial meetings were organized with Algerian and Tunisian partners during April and May to discuss issues related to work tenders, training and financial review.
  • Launching, opening and evaluation of the 2nd tender for artificial recharge works in Algeria and Tunisia (May-June 2015) following unsuccessful first calls for tenders that dictated the necessity to repeat the procedures.
  • Coordination meeting of the project’s leader staff (NRD) (27 May, University of Sassari – Italy) to discuss pending issues and needs in view of carrying out the remaining activities of the project (Works tenders in Algeria and Tunisia, training, activities scheduling and financial mid- term report).

Dissemination activities

  • Participation in the conference entitled “V congresso nazionale AIGA (Associazione Italiana di Geologia Applicata) (29-30 April 2015, Cagliari, Italy) and presentation of a poster entitled “Electrical Resistivity Tomography for the identification of the alluvium-Triassic boundary in Médenine Region (SE Tunisia)”. The contents of the poster were also submitted and published as a short note.
  • Participation in the conference entitled “The international conference on integrated land and water resources management in the dry areas under climate change - ILDAC2015 (11-14 May 2015, Djerba - Tunisia) and contribution with the following presentations:
    • Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) Systems in two semi-arid regions of Maghreb: Oum Zessar (Tunisisa) and Wadi Biskra (Algeria) (oral presentation)
    • Classification methods for detecting and evaluating changes in desertification-related features in arid and semiarid environments (oral presentation). The article was submitted for the publication on a special edition Springer book related to the conference (peer review in progress)
    • Evaluation and validation of SRTMGL1 and ASTER_ GDEM2 for two Maghreb regions (poster presentation). The article was submitted for the publication on a special edition Springer book related to the conference (peer review in progress)
  • Contribution of the project’s partners to the Seminar entitled “Experiences of Integrated Water Management to Combat Desertification” (18 June 2015, Sassari – Italy) organised on the occasion of the World day to combat Desertification-2015”. The main aim of this day of observance was to raise public awareness about the fact that hunger and poverty eradication is closely linked to the achievement of Land-Degradation Neutrality. The seminar, in particular, promoted the exchange of scientific results within researchers. For more information about the Conference click here.
  • Participation in the conference entitled “The international SWAT conference, SWAT (24-26 June 2015, Sardinia, Italy) and presentation of the following contribution as a poster: The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model to assess hydrological processes in arid environment (SE Tunisia), in the framework of WADIS-MAR project.
  • Submission and acceptance of an abstract for poster presentation on “Diachronic analysis of salt-affected areas in Biskra (Algeria) using remote sensing techniques” at SPIE Remote Sensing Conference (21 - 24 September 2015, Toulouse - France. For the program of the Conference click here
  • Submission and acceptance of and abstract for poster entitled "A methodology for the spectral analysis of saline and sand encrachment areas in Tunisia by means of proximal and remote sensing" to be presented at the XIX Conferenza Nazionale ASITA (29 September - 1 October, Polo di Lecco del Politecnico di Milano – Italy).
  • Submission and acceptance of an abstract entitled “Analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics of aeolian processes in arid and semi-arid areas using remote sensing” for an oral presentation during the 6th Youngs' Geomorphologists Day Conference (29 September 2015, Cagliari – Italy).

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