
Regional training workshop on the identification and development of climate change no-regret actions in the water sector (3-5 October 2012, Amman –Jordan)

Press Note climate change no-regret actions
Introductory session climate change no-regret actions
Session 1 power point_climate change no regret actions
Session 1 handout climate change no regret actions
Session 2 power point presentation_climate change no-regret actions
Session 3 handout climate change no-regret actions
Session 4 presentation climate change no-regret actions
Session 4 handout climate change no-regret actions
Session 5 presentation climate change no-regret actions
Session 5 handout climate change no-regret actions
Session 6 presentation climate change no-regret actions
Session 6 handout climate change no-regret actions
Session 7 presentation climate change no-regret actions
Session 7 handout climate change no-regret actions
Session 8 presentation climate change no-regret actions
Session 8 handout climate-change no-regret actions
Session 9 presentation climate change no-regret actions
Session 9 handout climate change no-regret actions
no-regret-actions-cc_trainingworkshop/final list of participants.pdf
no-regret-actions-cc_trainingworkshop/press note_cc no regret actions_ar.pdf
no-regret-actions-cc_trainingworkshop/press note_cc no regret actions_fr.pdf
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