The purpose is to support the strengthening of stakeholders’ capacity at regional level and contribute to the empowerment of water related institutions; identify competent national and regional training institutions so as to serve as ‘networks/centres of reference’ and to prepare a regional roster of experts from the ENPI countries who can deal successfully with sustainable water management issues in the region.

The activities that are being implemented include the following:

Establishment of a network with the existing regional and national training institutions

Prepare and maintain a contact list of national and regional centres of excellence relating to the SWIM themes ‐ in close collaboration with H2020 CB/MEP, thus leading to the creation of a network of such centres/institutions.

Based on the database, carry out a mapping exercise on ongoing and planned training activities at regional level so as to identify gaps with emphasis on SWIM‐SM focus themes.

Develop a matrix of initiatives and projects implemented at the Regional level and relevant to SWIM‐SM interventions in order to explore possible interlinks and avoid duplications of activities. Based on the Work Plan for 2013 collaborations will be explored with the identified centres of excellence and Regional projects.

Develop national and regional capacity building programmes / training sessions

Develop and execute a capacity development program for water & environment prosecutors and investigators to ensure compliance with legislations, how to address noncompliance and violations, establish environment inspectorates and auditing procedures. The activity consists in 3 days workshop followed by 12 days study tour in 3 European countries, in collaboration with UNESCO-IHE. .

High level study tour to strengthen political commitment to PIM/IMT, in coordination with the State Hydraulics Works (DSI) in Turkey: awareness raising on the role of the political commitment and enabling environment in the successful implementation of the PIM and IMT.

Two days training on the operation and management of WWTPs to be followed by study tours to well‐operated and managed WW treatment plants in Europe including exposure to technologies for upgrading existing low performing plants. Emphasis will be given to wastewater treatment and reuse in rural areas.

Support the involvement of officials in an online course on natural systems to improve their understanding and build their capacity on the design, construction, operation and maintenance of natural treatment systems, including physical and biochemical processes, design, operation and maintenance.

Sub Regional training event to strengthen public sector capacity to mobilize depollution investments, and one specific training on private sector participation to inform participants from both public and private sector about the possibilities of joint participation in depollution investments.

Capacity development workshop on modelling the cost of desalination, in collaboration with MEDREC, to develop the capacity of water resources managers in understanding the aspects influencing the cost of desalination including the factors and functions for modelling them to estimate the associated cost under different scenarios, based on the scale and the used technologies.



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