The purpose is to support institutional strengthening and contribute towards ensuring that national water strategies and plans properly address issues of sustainable water resource management, based on internationally accepted principles of IWRM, water considerations are promoted and mainstreamed in other relevant sectoral policies and strategies (for example agriculture, tourism and industry), as well as in national development plans.

Provide ad hoc support and advice for the review of water policies, national water strategies and IWRM plans

  • Regional review on the status of National Water Plans and/or Strategies in the SWIM Partner Countries and proposals for policy options and recommendations to advance their preparation, implementation and monitoring. The review contains a focused survey on the status of plans and strategies in Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia.
  • Organisation of a 2-day regional workshop to review the report and country briefs and agree on actions to be addressed at the policy level by the project 
  • Regional Assessment on water Users’ Associations (WUAs) in the SWIM-SM countries that reviews the progress of Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM), identifies the range of experiences, assesses the status, achievements and challenges of the WUAs and draws lessons and opportunities for improvement. In depth assessments are carried out in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia.
  • Regional Expert Workshop promoted sharing of experiences and best practices in the establishment and operationalization of WUAs in the region and discussed / validated the findings of the Regional Assessment.

Ensure sustainable water management strategies mainstreaming into other sectors’ policies

  • Workshop to brief Partner Countries and regional stakeholders on SWIM‐SM objectives in the wider spectrum of the non‐conventional water resources management agenda and to brainstorm and discuss the project’s regional priorities on wastewater treatment and reuse and desalination.
  • Regional assessment of past drought & flood episodes and their management in Jordan, Palestine and Tunisia
  • Guidelines on measures for improving compliance with water legislations and assessment of enforcement capacity in the SWIM-SM Region with focus on Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco.
  • Assessment of current legislative capacity and legal procedures in the prosecution of violators of water legislation and develop guidelines in Algeria, Jordan and Lebanon

Development of a comprehensive M&E system for Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) and Irrigation Management transfer (IMT) Process:

  • Regional Expert Group Meeting on the  Development of a comprehensive M&E system for Participatory Irrigation Management & Irrigation Management Transfer process
  • Regional Workshop on the M&E system to monitor and evaluate the Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) and Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) Process in the SWIM-SM Countries

Desalination as a non-conventional water resource

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This Pillar aims to (a) Identify concrete actions for improving local water management and reinforcing users’ participation; (b) Assess the adequacy of water legislations for the establishment and effective operation of WUAs and identify opportunities for updating and/or amending water legislation; (c) Provide WUAs with tools that would enable them to be actively involved in decision-making in the water sector on selected areas and at the local level, and (d) create partnerships among policy makers, civil society and local communities in ways that enhance mutual trust and collaboration.

The components of this Pillar are five-fold: (a) Preparation of a regional report on the status of water users’ participation; (b) Organisation of a regional workshop to promote the exchange of experiences among the countries in the region; (c) Legal framework assessment and identification of opportunities for updating and/or amending water legislation; (d) Training activities to assist the establishment of pilot WUAs and (e) Pilot activities to strengthen WAUs in accordance with national regulations.

Work Package 1: Water governance & mainstreaming

Provide ad hoc support and advice for the review of water policies, national water strategies and IWRM plans.

Elaboration of a concise assessment document on the status (achievements, gaps, constraints, challenges, needs, opportunities, etc) of water user associations in the region and Organisation of one regional workshop to present the findings, share experiences and best practices at regional level and identify and recommend priority actions at country level.

Ensure sustainable water management strategies mainstreaming into other sectors’ policies 

Development of a comprehensive M&E system for Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) and Irrigation Management transfer (IMT) Process:

Regional Assessment on Water User's Associations


Regional review on the status of M&E system in the Partner Countries (PCs) through a survey of available M&E systems that are presently used by national governments to monitor and evaluate the adequacy of the PIM/IMT process in the PCs, with a view to identify good practices and shortcomings.


Report on the International M&E systems (FAO, IWMI, WB)


3-days regional expert group workshop to discuss M&E experiences emanating from the SWIM-SM regional and international reviews with the aim of adopting a regional M&E system involving a checklist of indicators that suits best the needs and the specificities of SWIM participating countries and for formulating an M&E system.


- Test the applicability of the M&E system in 2 pilot areas (in Jordan and Tunsia):


-- Kick-off meeting of the pilot implementation in Jordan;

-- Training of Users involved in the pilot implementation

-- Evaluation workshop of the pilot implementation for the M&E system to monitor and evaluate the participatory irrigation management (PIM) and irrigation      management transfer (IMT) process



-- Kick-off meeting of the pilot implementation in Tunisia;

-- Training of Users involved in the pilot implementation;

-- Evaluation workshop of the pilot implementation for the M&E system to monitor and evaluate the participatory irrigation management (PIM) and irrigation      management transfer (IMT) process


- Regional Workshop on the SWIM-SM system to monitor and evaluate the performance of Irrigation Management Transfer to Water Users Associations

Work Package 2: Capacity building activities

Develop national and regional capacity building programmes / training sessions

Regional training of water user associations' representatives from selected countries with part of the training provided by representatives from PCs advanced in WUAs operationalisation - in coordination with H2020 CB/MEP .

High level study tour on participatory irrigation management/irrigation management transfer process

Work Package 3: Application of water management plans

Review and analysis of private sector participation modalities in water service delivery, with emphasis on the southern mediterranean region, to strengthen implementation capacity of national water plans at local level with emphasis on financial sustainability

For more information on the pillar click here

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The objective is to assist the SWIM Partners Countries with (a) enhancing the policy, institutional and legal framework for the management of non-conventional water resources, within the IWRM context, and (b) strengthening the institutional capacity and public participation for the planning and management of these resources. The main non-conventional water resources are: re-use of treated wastewater, including its use in the recharge of groundwater aquifers and, as a last resort, desalination, using renewable energy where technically and economically feasible, and minimising environmental impacts.

The components of this Pillar are five-fold: (a) Strategy formulation for the use of non conventional resources, (b) Improving the legal framework in order to anchor the use of non-conventional water resources in the national water and environmental laws and regulations; (c) Developing the institutional framework for managing non-conventional water resources with stakeholders' participation, (d) Enhancing the environmental and social safeguards for the use of non-conventional water resources, and mitigating their adverse environmental and social effects and (e) Building capacity and awareness to increase knowledge on technologies and promote social acceptance.

Work Package 1: Water governance & mainstreaming

Provide ad hoc support and advice for the review of water policies, national water strategies and IWRM plans

Study on the legislative framework regulating the recharge of aquifers with adequately treated wastewater

Assessment of Potential Cumulative Environmental Impacts of Desalination Plants around the Mediterranean Sea

Expert Group Meeting on Cumulative Environmental Impacts of Desalination on the Mediterranean

Provision of technical assistance to  Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco for identifying and advancing missing priority elements of their Wastewater Strategy through the preparation of a gap analysis and recommendations report (Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia) and organisation of a one day national consultation meeting involving all relevant stakeholders in each country.

Organisation of a Workshop to: a) discuss the draft concept note prepared by SWIM on sustainable non-conventional water resources management, including desalination using renewable energy and b) convene an expert group meeting to advise on the state of knowledge and commercial application in the Region of desalination using renewable energy resource (e.g. Concentrated Solar Power - CSP) as well as the measures for adverting environmental impacts.

Work Package 2: Capacity building activities

Develop national and regional capacity building programmes / training sessions

Training workshop on risk and insurance in PPPs for water infrastructure

Intensive course on desalination with solar energy

Training and Study Tour in Europe on the Operation and Management of Wastewater Treatment Plants

Training workshop on Strengthening Public Sector Capacity to Mobilize Depollution Investments and Private Sector Participation

Training Course on Cost Estimating of Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Desalination Plants

Regional  training in Tunisia on innovative and adaptable technologies for treated wastewater reuse, including the recharge of aquifers and sustainable desalination - in coordination or joint organisation with the national trainings of H2020 CB/MEP

Regional  training in Israel on innovative and adaptable technologies for treated wastewater reuse, including the recharge of aquifers and sustainable desalination - in coordination or joint organisation with the national trainings of H2020 CB/MEP

Work Package 3: Application of water management plans

Develop mechanisms and procedures to facilitate regional dialogue, consultations, and exchange of experience among the most water intensive sectors such as agriculture, tourism and urban development

Assessment on the best available technologies related to wastewater reuse and desalination in rural areas and evaluation on the Economic Considerations for Supplying Water Through Desalination in South Mediterranean Countries. Organisation of a meeting of the Expert Group on Desalination to review the Assessment and provide advice on further development. Activity to feed the regional training under WP 2.

Organise and/or participate in regional or sub regional events aiming at mobilising partner countries and other donors in favour of sustainable water management schemes, and bringing together key players on water and environment in the region

Participation and contribution to the Regional Conference on Advancing Non-Conventional Water Resources Management in the Mediterranean (Athens, 14-15 September 2011) and organisation back-to-back of the SWIM-SM Workshop on Sustainable Use of Non-Conventional Water Resources (Athens, 16 September 2011) 

Work Package 4: Identification of good practices & success stories in the region & elsewhere

Identify and disseminate success stories and support the exchange of experience between the beneficiaries of the present project and those of other projects/programmes implemented at regional or national level and;
Identify and inform about possible good practices and exchange knowledge on programmes or projects on water management in the region and elsewhere, funded by other donors and;
Contribute to facilitating the transfer of know-how and exchange of experience on water management

Verification and Validation of Adequacy & Efficiency of Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Projects in Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia (TUNISIA) 

Verification and Validation of Adequacy & Efficiency of Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Projects in Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia (MOROCCO)

Verification and Validation of Adequacy & Efficiency of Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Projects in Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia (LEBANON)

Documentation of Best Practices in non-revenue water management in selected Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Israel, Jordan, Morocco) 

Documentation of Best Practices in wastewater reuse in Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Morocco

Work Package 5: Development of a Communication and Awareness Raising Strategy

Draw up a package of communication and awareness raising activities targeting relevant decision makers, stakeholders and the general public (including awareness on the draft Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean and the selected demonstration projects)

Consultation meetings with responsible for extension services, farmers and/or administrations / cooperatives related to farmers activities to identify the type of messages, materials and activities that could form the awareness raising and communication campaign addressing this target group (in Algeria, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia)

For more information on the pillar click here


The objective of this Pillar is to: (a) support Partner Countries in their climate change adaptation efforts for developing no regret actions through technical assistance, policy guidance, capacity development and awareness, (b) strengthen the institutional and technical capacity for designing and implementing concrete no regret adaptation actions; and (c) improve governance in water planning, allocation and service delivery, increasing awareness and disseminating climate change information.

The components of this Pillar are four-fold: (a) Compilation of all available information and assessment of the adequacy of the institutional and technical capacities to undertake proposed no-regret actions for CC adaptation at the national level; (b) Development of no-regret actions in the water sector for addressing the water scarcity at the local or basin level; (c) Improving water governance to ensure the public acceptance and compliance with suggested no-regret actions for CC adaptation; and (d) Increasing awareness on the immediate need of the water sector for no regret actions to adapt to CC and improving resilience of communities.

Work Package 1: Water governance & mainstreaming

  • Regional assessment of past drought & flood episodes and their management in Jordan, Palestine and Tunisia

Work Package 2: Capacity building activities

For more information on the pillar click here


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The specific objective of this Pillar is to: (a) update the estimates on the annual costs of water degradation in selected basins or water sheds in the PCs; (b) identify in specific basins in three PCs two priority remedial actions of highly polluted water; (c) build capacity in PCs on environmental valuation and (d) involve stakeholders in the particular basins through consultation to build consensus and dissemination of results at the watershed /basin level.

The components of this Pillar are four-fold: (a) Calculate the Cost of environmental degradation at the basin level, due to water pollution with the aim to place a monetary value on the consequences of the degradation; (b) Cost Benefit or Cost Effectiveness Analyses of Remedial Actions and Preparation of Investment Plans for 1-2 basins in 3 PCs including estimates in monetary terms for the overall social, economic and environmental benefits linked to remedial alternatives. (c) Building the capacity of the decision makers at the subnational/basin level and the Universities to transfer knowledge, especially with regards to the methodologies used for the preparation of investment plans and (d) Validation and dissemination of the Investment Plans at the Watershed/Basin Level to build consensus on the investment plans, seek the Government support to implement and replicate the investment plans.

Work Package 1: Water governance & mainstreaming

Provide ad hoc support and advice for review of water policies, national water strategies and IWRM plans

Projected Costs of Degradation and Restoration of Water Resources in the Medjerda Basin: 2010-2025 (in French)

Assessment of the cost of water degradation and remediation actions in selected River Basins in: Algeria (Seybouse River Basin), Lebanon (Litani River Basin), Morocco (Oum Rabia River Basin) and Tunisia (Medjerda River Basin).

Work Package 3: Application of Water Management Plans

Strengthening the Capacity of SWIM Partner Countries in Assessing the Cost of Water Resources Degradation at the Basin Level

Capacity building of SWIM Partner Countries in the assessment of the cost of water resources degradation at the basin level

Tunis - Tunisia (for participants from Maghreb countries)

Athens - Greece (for participants from Mashrek countries)

For more information on the pillar click here


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